Assistant Professor
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Goergen Institute for Data Science
University of Rochester

Research Interests
Visual and Naturalistic Cognition
Learning and Neural Plasticity
Computational Neuroscience


 Google Scholar


Travel and Presentations


Jul 3 BCS REU Seminar
Rochester, NY
Aug 6-9 CCN                  
Boston, MA
Aug 15-17 CVS Symposium
Rochester, NY
Sep 13 BCS Retreat
Bristol, NY


Jul 31 BCS REU Seminar
Rochester, NY
Aug 28 BCS Retreat
Canandaigua, NY
Nov 16-19 Psychonomics
San Francisco, CA

coraline rinn iordan
home      research      papers      teaching      outreach      travel      cv

Emotional Content and Attention to Emotional Features Differentially Contribute to Similarity Judgments.
Fu*, Longe*, Pobric, Iordan, & Talmi.
OSF, 2022.
Sculpting New Visual Concepts into the Human Brain.
Iordan, Ritvo, Norman, Turk-Browne, & Cohen.
bioRXiv, 2020 (revised 2024).

Event Similarity and Word-Level Salience Predict How Humans Summarize Naturalistic Narratives.
Sun & Iordan.
Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference on Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience (CCN), in press.
Inducing Representational Change in the Hippocampus through Real-Time Neurofeedback.
Peng, Wammes, Nguyen, Iordan, Norman, & Turk-Browne.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, in press.
Context Matters: Recovering Human Semantic Structure From Machine Learning Analysis of Text Corpora.
Iordan, Giallanza, Ellis, Beckage, & Cohen.
Cognitive Science, 2022.
Feature Ratings and Dimension-Specific Similarity Explain Distinct Aspects of Semantic Similarity Judgments.
Iordan, Ellis, Lesnick, Osherson, & Cohen.
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2018.
Mothers Consistently Alter Their Unique Vocal Fingerprints to Communicate With Infants.
Piazza, Iordan, & Lew-Williams.
Current Biology, 2017.
Typicality Sharpens Category Representations in Object-Selective Cortex.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Neuroimage, 2016.
Locally-Optimized Inter-Subject Alignment of Functional Cortical Regions.
Iordan, Joulin, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging (MLINI) Workshop, NIPS, 2015.
Basic Level Category Structure Emerges Gradually Across Human Ventral Visual Cortex.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2015.
Discovering Voxel-Level Connectivity Between Cortical Regions.
Baldassano, Iordan, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging (MLINI) Workshop, NIPS, 2012.
Voxel-Level Functional Connectivity Using Spatial Regularization.
Baldassano, Iordan, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Neuroimage, 2012.
On μ-compatible Metrics and Measurable Sensitivity.
Grigoriev, Iordan, Lubin, Ince, & Silva.
Colloquium Mathematicum, 2012.
Searching in Dynamic Partial Orders.
Heeringa, Iordan, & Theran.
Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS), 2011.
Kudzu: A Self-Balancing P2P File Transfer System.
Barker, Iordan, Albrecht, & Raghavan.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Tackling Computer Systems Problems with Machine Learning (SysML), 2008.

manuscripts in preparation

The Neural Mechanisms of Natural Music Production and Learning.
Piazza, Iordan, Williams, & Hasson.
in preparation.
Sequential Warping of Cortical Representational Geometries According to Cognitive Principles.
Iordan, Greene, Fei-Fei, & Beck.
in revision.

Uncovering the Neural Representation of Multiple Dimensions of Object Categorization in Visual Cortex.
Stanford University, Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, 2016.
Leaf-Line Tree: A Data Structure for Searching in Dynamic Tree-Like Partial Orders.
Williams College, Honors Thesis in Computer Science, 2009.

conference presentations











Event Similarity and Word-Level Salience Predict How Humans Summarize Naturalistic Narratives.
Sun & Iordan.
Annual Conference on Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience (CCN), 2024.
Inducing Representational Change in the Hippocampus through Real-Time Neurofeedback.
Peng, Wammes, Nguyen, Iordan, Norman, & Turk-Browne.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society (VSS), 2023.
Adapting a Language Transformer Model to Capture Subjective Judgments of Narrative Creativity.
Zeng, Lilienthal, Iordan, White, & Piazza.
Graduate Research Symposium, University of Rochester, 2023. (Best Poster Award)
Hierarchical Processing of Naturalistic Music during Production and Perception.
Cassano, Williams, Iordan, Hasson, & Piazza.
Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC), 2022.
Using a Language Transformer Model to Capture Creativity in Improvised Narratives.
Zeng, Lilienthal, Iordan, & Piazza.
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), 2022. (Talk)
Sculpting New Visual Concepts into the Human Brain.
Iordan, Ritvo, Norman, Turk-Browne, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society (VSS), 2022. (Talk)
Using a Language Transformer Model to Capture Creativity in Improvised Narratives.
Zeng, Lilienthal, Iordan, & Piazza.
7th Meeting of the Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity (SfNC), 2022.
A Naturalistic Approach to Studying Temporal Processing During Musical Performance.
Casano, Williams, Iordan, Hasson, & Piazza.
Annual NeuroMusic Conference (NeuroMusic), 2021.
Sculpting New Visual Concepts into the Human Brain.
Iordan, Ritvo, Norman, Turk-Browne, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2021.
Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Predict Human Judgments and Neural Representations.
Slaughter, Peterson, Iordan* & Cohen*.
Leadership Alliance National Symposium (LANS), 2021.
Context Matters: Recovering Human Semantic Structure from Machine-Learning Analysis of Text Corpora.
Iordan, Giallanza, Ellis, Beckage, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society (VSS), 2021.
A Naturalistic Approach to Studying Temporal Processing During Musical Performance.
Piazza, Cassano, Williams, Iordan, Izen, & Hasson.
181st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), 2021.
Sculpting New Visual Concepts into the Human Brain.
Iordan, Ritvo, Norman, Turk-Browne, & Cohen.
The Third Neuromatch Conference (Neuromatch 3.0), 2020. (Talk)
Context Matters: Recovering Human Semantic Structure from Machine-Learning Analysis of Text Corpora.
Iordan, Giallanza, Ellis, Beckage, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), Neural Network Models of Cognition Workshop, 2020. (Talk)
Towards Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Predict Human Behavior and Neural Representations.
Slaughter, Peterson, Iordan* & Cohen*.
Leadership Alliance National Symposium (LANS), 2020.
Creating Visual Categories Using Closed-Loop Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback.
Iordan, Ritvo, Norman, Turk-Browne, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society (VSS), 2020. (Talk)
Creating Visual Categories Using Closed-Loop Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback.
Iordan, Ritvo, Norman, Turk-Browne, & Cohen.
Real-Time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference (rtFIN), 2019.
Uncovering the Neural Underpinnings of Semantic Similarity Judgments.
Iordan, Giallanza, Ellis, Osherson, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2019. (Talk)
Context-Aware Word Embedding Models Improve Prediction of Human Conceptual Relationships.
Iordan, Giallanza, Ellis, Beckage, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2019. (Talk)
Using Closed-Loop Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback to Induce Neural Plasticity and Influence Perception.
Iordan, Ritvo, Norman, Turk-Browne, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), 2019.
Using Representational Similarity Analysis to Investigate Emotional Effects on Neural Representation.
Riberto, Iordan, Paz, Pobric, & Talmi.
Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Neuroscience (ISfN), 2019.
Using Closed-Loop Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback to Induce Neural Plasticity and Influence Perception.
Iordan, Ritvo, Norman, Turk-Browne, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2018. (Professional Development Award)
Why We Struggle to Multitask: Converging Evidence from Modeling, Behavior, and Neuroimaging.
Hoskin, Musslick, Iordan, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2018.
Feature Ratings and Dimension-Specific Similarity Explain Distinct Aspects of Semantic Similarity Judgments.
Iordan, Ellis, Lesnick, Osherson, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), 2018. (Talk)
Inducing Neural Plasticity and Perceptual Similarity Using Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback.
Iordan, Ritvo, Norman, Turk-Browne, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2018.
Inducing Neural Plasticity and Perceptual Similarity Using Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback.
Iordan, Ritvo, Norman, Turk-Browne, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), 2018. (Talk)
KL-Evidence: A Novel Multivariate Method for Differentiating Representations.
Iordan, Ritvo, Norman, Turk-Browne, & Cohen.
Real-Time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference (rtFIN), 2017. (Travel Award) (Best Poster Award)
Inducing Neural Plasticity and Perceptual Similarity Using Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback.
Iordan, Ritvo, Norman, Turk-Browne, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2017.
The Importance of "Motherese": Early Drivers of Successful Communication.
Piazza, Iordan, Lew-Williams, & Hasson.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2017.
Mothers Consistently Alter Their Unique Vocal Fingerprint to Communicate With Their Infants.
Piazza, Iordan, & Lew-Williams.
Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning Conference (IASL), 2017. (Talk)
The Relative Contribution of Features and Dimensions to Semantic Similarity.
Iordan, Ellis, Osherson, & Cohen.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), 2017.
Timbre Code-Switching: How Mothers Alter Their Vocal Statistics to Communicate With Their Children.
Piazza, Iordan, & Lew-Williams.
Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), 2017. (Talk)
Sequential Warping of Neural Representations According to Cognitive Principles Across the Ventral Stream.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2016.
Category Boundaries and Typicality Warp the Neural Representation Space of Object Categories.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), 2016.
Typicality Sharpens Category Representations in Object-Selective Cortex.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Stanford University Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Program (IIP) Symposium, 2016.
Locally-Optimized Inter-Subject Alignment of Functional Cortical Regions.
Iordan, Joulin, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging (MLINI) Workshop, NIPS, 2015.
Typicality Sharpens Category Representations in Object-Selective Cortex.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2015. (Talk) (Professional Development Award)
Fine-Grained Object Category Decoding Using fMRI in Human Visual Cortex.
Iordan, Fannjiang, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2015.
Category Boundaries and Typicality Warp the Neural Representation Space of Object Categories.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), 2015. (Tlak) (Travel Award)
Pushing the Boundaries of Fine-Grained Classification Using fMRI Decoding in Human Visual Cortex.
Fannjiang, Iordan, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), 2015.
Typicality Sharpens Category Representations in Object-Selective Cortex.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), 2015. (Talk) (Travel Award)
Basic Level Category Structure Emerges Gradually Across Human Ventral Visual Cortex.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Bay Area Vision Research Day (BAVRD), 2015.
Cohesion and Distinctiveness in Favor Different Basic Level Representations Across Human Visual Cortex.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2014. (Talk) (Travel Award)
Locally-Optimized Inter-Subject Alignment of Functional Cortical Regions.
Iordan, Joulin, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), 2014. (Talk)
Category Cohesion and Distinctiveness in Human Visual Cortex Favor Basic Level Representations.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Stanford Center for Biomedical Imaging Annual Symposium (CBIS), 2014. (Talk)
Real-World Objects Acquire Basic-Level Advantage in Occipito-Temporal Cortex.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Biomedical Computation at Stanford University Annual Symposium (BCATS), 2014. (Best Poster Award Runner-Up)
Real-World Objects Acquire Basic-Level Advantage in Occipito-Temporal Cortex.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Bay Area Vision Research Day (BAVRD), 2013.
Object Typicality Sharpens Neural Representations in Object-Selective Cortex.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), 2013. (Talk)
Real-World Objects Acquire Basic-Level Advantage in Occipito-Temporal Cortex.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), 2013.
Discovering Voxel-Level Functional Connectivity Between Cortical Regions.
Baldassano, Iordan, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging (MLINI) Workshop, NIPS, 2012. (Talk)
Neural Representations of Object Categories at Multiple Taxonomic Levels.
Iordan, Greene, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), 2012. (Talk)
Fine-Grained Functional Connectivity Using Spatial Regularization.
Baldassano, Iordan, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging (MLINI) Workshop, NIPS, 2011.
Translation Invariance of Natural Scene Categories.
Iordan, Baldassano, Walther, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), 2012. (Talk)
Decoding Objects Undergoing Contextual Violations.
Baldassano, Iordan, Beck, & Fei-Fei.
Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), 2012.
Kudzu: A Self-Balancing P2P File Transfer System.
Barker, Iordan, Albrecht, & Raghavan.
Workshop on Tackling Computer Systems Problems with Machine Learning (SysML), 2008.