BCSC 275: Lecture Schedule
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The following schedule is tentative, depending on the amount of material covered in each class.
Introduction and 'Pre-history' of cognitive science
Review syllabus
Bermúdez 1.0, 1.1, 1.3
Chomsky "Review of Skinner's Verbal Behavior"
Early cognitive-scientific theories and results
Bermúdez 1.2, 1.4, 1.5
Miller "The magical number seven, plus or minus two"
Bermúdez 2.0-2.2
Shepard and Metzler "Mental rotation of three-dimensional objects"
Functional analysis and 'levels' of analysis
Bermúdez 2.3
Excerpt from Marr's (1982) Vision
Bermúdez 3.1, 3.2
Mishkin et al. "Object vision and spatial vision: two cortical pathways"
More functional analysis… and "The Integration Challenge" introduced
Bermúdez 3.4
Petersen et al. "Positron emission topographic studies"
Bermúdez 4.1- 4.3
Case study in the challenge of integration---Psychology of reasoning
Bermúdez 4.4, 4.5
Continuing local integrations – The BOLD signal
Bermúdez 4.5
Exam 1
Integration and intertheoretic reduction
Bermúdez 5.1-5.3
Modeling the mind as a 'symbol system'
Bermúdez 6.1
Newell and Simon "Computer Science as Empirical Inquiry"
The "language of thought" hypothesis and the "Chinese room" argument
Bermúdez 6.2
Bermúdez 6.3
Searle "Can Computers Think?"
Churchland and Churchland "Could a Machine Think?"
Churchland and Churchland "Could a Machine Think?"
Connectionism: the mind as a neural network
Bermúdez 3.3, 8.1-8.2
Bermúdez 8.3-8.4
Exam 2
Final exam TBD