BCSC 264: Lecture Schedule
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Tests & Assignments (due by next class)
Module 1: PHONOLOGY: Jan 11 – Feb 13
Introduction to linguistics of ASL & Syllabus
Readings: Linguistics of ASL (LASL) Units 1-3 & File 1.3: “Good” Language, & Syllabus (pg. 230)
Homework 1 by 10am
Homework 1 by 10am
Phonological properties of Signed Languages: Introduction to Phonology
Readings: LASL Units 4-5, Signs Have Parts: A Simple Idea (pg. 242), Introduction to a Dictionary of American Sign Language (pg. 254) & File 1.4: Arbitrariness in Language (pg.236)
Phonological properties of Signed Languages: Stokoe Model
Homework 2 by 10am
Phonological properties of Signed Languages: Stokoe System
Readings: LASL Units 6 & 8 & American Sign Language: The Phonological Base (pg.292)
Phonological properties of Signed Languages: Stokoe vs. Liddell & Johnson Model
Readings: Review LASL Units 6 & 8, & American Sign Language: The Phonological Base
Phonological properties of Signed Languages: LJ Model
Homework 3 by 10am
Phonological properties of Signed Languages & Introduction to Phonological Processes
Reading: Unit 7
Study for Test
Study for Test
Wrap up Phonological properties of Signed Languages & Phonological Processes
Study for Test
Phonology Test
Module 2: MORPHOLOGY: Feb 15 – March 27
Introduction to Morphology: Phonological Processes & Morphology in Signed Languages
Homework 4 - in class
Homework 4 - in class
Readings: LASL Units 9, 12 & 13, & File 5.1: Morphology: Words and Word Formation (pg. 332)
Morphology in Signed Languages: Derivations & Inflections and Lexicalization & Numeral Incorporation
Readings: LASL Unit 11
Homework 5 by 10am
Homework 5 by 10am
Morphology in Signed Languages: Lexicalization & Compounds
Review LASL Unit 11
Morphology in Signed Languages: Lexicalization & Compounds
Readings: Supalla & Clark Chapter 10
Video view: Patty Clark’s “Historical Linguistics & ASL” lecture – first half part from the beginning to 46:38
Video view: Patty Clark’s “Historical Linguistics & ASL” lecture – first half part from the beginning to 46:38
Morphology in Signed Languages: Historical Linguistics & ASL – Introduction to historical change in ASL (Video view: Patty Clark’s lecture – last half part)
Readings: LASL Units 18 & Klima & Bellugi Aspectual Modulations on Adjectival Predicates (chapter 11)
* Homework 6 by 10am
* Homework 6 by 10am
Morphology in Signed Languages: Aspects, Time & Tense
Readings: LASL Unit 10 and Supalla How Many Seats in a Chair
Homework 7 due on Friday 3/8 by midnight
Homework 7 due on Friday 3/8 by midnight
Spring Break
Spring Break
Morphology in Signed Languages: Aspects, Time & Tense & Introduction to Noun/Verb Derivational Processes
Review LASL Unit 10 and Supalla How Many Seats in a Chair
Morphology in Signed Languages: Noun/Verb Derivational Processes
Study for Test
Morphology Review
Study for Test
Morphology Test
Readings: LASL Units 17 & 15
Module 3: SYNTAX: March 29 - April 26
Language Play in ASL & Initialization Signs
Ch 5
Initialization Signs & Mini Project preparation
Mini Project due on Mon 4/22
Syntax in Signed Languages: ASL Glossing & Basic Word Order & Sentence Types
Readings: LASL Unit 16
Homework 8 by 10am & HW 9 by 10am on Friday by midnight
Mini Project
Homework 8 by 10am & HW 9 by 10am on Friday by midnight
Mini Project
Syntax in Signed Languages: Glossing, Parsing Sentences & Lexical Categories
Readings: LASL Units 19 & 20
Homework 10 by 10am
Mini Project
Homework 10 by 10am
Mini Project
Syntax in Signed Languages: Intro to Verbs & Predicates
Homework 11 by 10am
Readings: Supalla Morphology of Verbs of Motion & Space
Mini Project
Readings: Supalla Morphology of Verbs of Motion & Space
Mini Project
Syntax in Signed Languages: Grammatical Structure of Verbs of Motion & Location
Readings: Review Morphology of Verbs of Motion & Space
Homework 12 by 10am
Mini Project
Homework 12 by 10am
Mini Project
Syntax in Signed Languages: Verbs of Motion & Location Concepts
Homework 13 on Tuesday by midnight
Mini Project due on Mon 4/22 by midnight
Mini Project due on Mon 4/22 by midnight
Syntax Review
Study for Test
Syntax Test