BCSC 215: Syllabus
Fall 2024
Time & Location
MW 11:50am - 1:05am
Meliora 301B
Yue Guzhang
Office hours: by appointment
Soma Mizobuchi
Office hours: by appointment
Course Description
A hands-on introduction to data-analysis oriented programming using MATLAB, intended for students with minimal programming experience. MATLAB is a language that is commonly used in neuroscience and BCS research for data analysis. Topics in the workshop include, but not limited to, data types, functions and plotting. No prior programming experience is required.
Course Aims and Objectives
The goal is to provide students with skills to program in MATLAB and to develop proper methodology in research-focused data analysis. By the end of the course, students should be able to perform basic data analysis and visualization on datasets of all kinds.
Course Evaluations
- 10% - participation. Full attendance is required, both for lectures and workshops. Excused absences must be requested in writing prior to absence. Actively participating in discussions and lectures are highly encouraged.
- 30% - exams
- 30% - final project
- 30% - assignments
Course Structure and Guidelines
Goal: To review and practice concepts taught in class.
Guidelines: Attendance is required. You will have time to work on the problems independently first. You can use the MATLAB documentation to help you answer the questions. We will then go over the problems together as a group. Active participation is highly encouraged so we can tackle them together.
Goal: To evaluate your understanding of the materials.
- Written exams: you must complete the exams independently using pen and paper only. All work must be your own, and no external assistance is allowed.
- Coding exams: you can use any documentation available within the MATLAB application. External assistance, including AI tools or consulting with others, is not permitted. All work must be your own. All code submissions must include comments, with as much detail as possible.
Goal: To practice applying the knowledge you have gained in class.
Guidelines: You are free to use any resources, but we strongly encourage you to try solving the problems on your own first. If your work includes input from others—whether from people in- or outside of the class, websites, or AI tools—please be sure to cite these sources in your homework. All code submissions must include comments, with as much detail as possible. Assignments are due one week after they are assigned.
Final project
Goal: To demonstrate your ability to perform data analysis based on research questions.
- Find dataset of your interest (can be open dataset or your own dataset)
- Establish analysis plan
- Submit your project report with code
- Final project presentation
Guidelines: You need to have your own final project. You are free to use any resources, but we strongly encourage you to work on it independently. If your work includes input from others—whether from people in- or outside of the class, websites, or AI tools—please be sure to cite these sources in your homework. All code submissions must include comments, with as much detail as possible.
Credit-hour Policy
This course follows the College credit hour policy for 4-credit courses. This course meets twice weekly for 3 hours (150 minutes) per week. The course also includes an out-of-class workshop for 1 hour (50 minutes) per week. These workshops provide students with the opportunity to work through coding problems in group settings, with the solutions reviewed at the end. Attendance is mandatory and will count toward the participation portion of your final grade.
Academic Misconduct
All assignments and activities associated with this course must be performed in accordance with the University of Rochester's Academic Honesty Policy. Please get in touch with your instructor if you have any questions regarding what constitutes academic dishonesty especially as it relates to exams and the final paper. University’s policy on Academic Honesty
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
The University of Rochester respects and welcomes students of all backgrounds and abilities. In the event you encounter any barrier(s) to full participation in this course due to the impact of disability, please contact the Office of Disability Resources. The access coordinators in the Office of Disability Resources can meet with you to discuss the barriers you are experiencing and explain the eligibility process for establishing academic accommodations. Office of Disability Resources website or (585) 276-5075, Taylor Hall.