Undergraduate Programs
BCSC 185: Lecture Schedule
Only students who are enrolled in the course may access materials online. You must be logged into Blackboard to download these files.
Tentative, schedule is subject to change
- February 1: Orientation & Course Introduction
- February 3: Heuristics & Biases I: Thinking about Others
- Gilbert & Malone (1995). The correspondence bias. Psychological Bulletin, 117, 21-38. Only read pgs. 21-24 and 32-35.
- Nisbett & Wilson (1977). The halo effect: Evidence for unconscious alteration of judgments. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 35, 250-256.
- Tversky & Kahneman (1974). Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Science, 185, 1124- 1130.
- February 8: Heuristics & Biases II: Thinking about the Self
- Brown, J. D. (1986). Evaluations of self and others: Self-enhancement biases in social judgments. Social Cognition, 4(4), 353-376.
- Kwan et al. (2007). Assessing the neural correlates of self-enhancement bias: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Experimental Brain Research, 182(3), 379-385.
- Sparrow et al. (2011). Google effects on memory: Cognitive consequences of having information at our fingertips. Science, 333, 776-778.
- Suls et al. (2002). Social comparison: Why, with whom, and with what effect? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 159-163.
- February 10: Heuristics & Biases III: Decision Making & Choice
- Gal, D. (2020). Why the sun will not set on the endowment effect: the endowment effect after loss aversion. Current Opinion in Psychology.
- Shah & Wolford (2007). Buying behaviors as a function of parametric variation of number of choices. Psychological Science, 18, 369-370.
- Tversky & Kahneman (1981). The framing of decisions and the psychology of choice. Science, 211, 453–458.
- February 15: Motivation—An Overview of Models
- Blascovich & Mendes (2010). Social psychophysiology and embodiment. Handbook of social psychology (only read pp. 194-199 & the challenge and threat section on 207-208).
- Elliot (2006). The hierarchical model of approach-avoidance motivation. Motivation & Emotion, 30, 111-116.
- Jost & Hunyady (2005). Antecedents and consequences of system-justifying ideologies. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14, 260-265.
- Ryan & Deci (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55, 68-78.
- February 17: Motivation—Social Influences
- Blascovich et al. (1999). Social facilitation as challenge and threat. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 77, 68-77.
- Heyman & Ariely (2004). Effort for payment: A tale of two markets. Psychological Science, 15, 787- 793.
- Karau & Williams (1995). Social loafing: Research findings, implications, and future directions. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 4, 134-140.
- February 22: Religion & Social Cognition
- Blogowska, J., Lambert, C., & Saroglou, V. (2013). Religious Prosociality and Aggression: It's Real. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 52(3), 524–536.
- Hall et al. (2015). Costly signaling increases trust, even across religious affiliation. Psychological Science, 26, 1368-1376.
- Norenzayan, A., Gervais, W. M., & Trzesniewski, K. H. (2012). Mentalizing deficits constrain belief in a personal god. PLoS ONE, 7(5), e36880.
- February 24: Moral Judgments
- Greene & Haidt (2002). How (and where) does moral judgment work? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6, 517-523. Greene & Haidt (2002). How (and where) does moral judgment work? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Haidt, J. (2001). The emotional dog and its rational tail: a social intuitionist approach to moral judgment. Psychological review, 108(4), 814-834. Greene & Haidt (2002). How (and where) does moral judgment work? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Valdesolo & DeSteno (2006). Manipulations of emotional context shape moral judgment. Psychological Science, 17, 476-477.
- March 1: Exam 1
- March 8: Emotion (Overview of Models)
- Barrett, L. F. (2017). The theory of constructed emotion: an active inference account of interoception and categorization. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 12(1), 1-23.
- Harmon-Jones & Peterson (2009). Supine body position reduces neural response to anger evocation. Psychological Science, 20, 1209-1210.
- Lindquist et al. (2012). The brain basis of emotion: A meta-analytic review. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35(03), 121-143. - Only read pgs. 121-126 (through the "meta-analysis…" section)
- March 10: Emotion Regulation
- Etkin et al. (2015). The neural bases of emotion regulation. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 16(11), 693-700.
- Gross, J. J. (2015). Emotion regulation: Current status and future prospects. Psychological inquiry, 26(1), 1-26.
- Jamieson, J. P. et al. (2018). Capitalizing on appraisal processes to improve affective responses to social stress. Emotion Review, 10(1), 30-39.
- Niedenthal (2007). Embodying emotion. Science, 316, 1002.
- March 15: Ostracism, Rejection, & Social Exclusion
- Lee, H. Y., et al. (2020). Getting Fewer "Likes" Than Others on Social Media Elicits Emotional Distress Among Victimized Adolescents. Child development, 91(6), 2141-2159.
- Maner et al. (2010). The endocrinology of exclusion: Rejection elicits motivationally tuned changes in progesterone. Psychological Science, 21, 581-588.
- Williams (2007). Ostracism: The kiss of social death. Social & Personality Psychology Compass, 1, 236- 247.
- Wolke et al. (2013). Impact of bullying in childhood on adult health, wealth, crime, and social outcomes. Psychological Science, 24(10), 1958-1970.
- March 17: Mind Perception—Anthropomorphism & Dehumanization
- Gray et al. (2007). Dimensions of mind perception. Science, 315, 619.
- Harris & Fiske (2006). Dehumanizing the lowest of the low: Neuroimaging responses to extreme outgroups. Psychological Science, 17, 847-853.
- Powers et al. (2014). Social connection modulates perceptions of animacy. Psychological Science.
- Waytz et al. (2010). Social cognition unbound: Insights into anthropomorphism and dehumanization. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 58-62.
- March 22: Stereotyping & Prejudice—Agents
- Akinola, M., & Mendes, W. B. (2012). Stress-induced cortisol facilitates threat-related decision making among police officers. Behavioral neuroscience, 126(1), 167.
- Correll et al. (2002). The police officer's dilemma: Using ethnicity to disambiguate potentially threatening individuals. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 83, 1314-1329.
- McConnell & Leibold (2001). Relations among the Implicit Associations Test, discriminatory behavior, and explicit measures of racial attitudes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 37, 435-442.
- March 24: Stereotyping & Prejudice—Targets
- Jamieson & Harkins (2009). The effect of stereotype threat on the solving of quantitative GRE problems: A mere effort interpretation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35(10), 1301-1314.
- Leslie, Mayer, & Kravitz (2014). The stigma of affirmative action: A stereotyping-based theory and meta-analytic test of the consequences for performance. Academy of Management Journal, 57, 964-989.
- Steele & Aronson (1995). Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of AfricanAmericans. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 69, 797-811.
- March 29: Exam 2
- March 31: Inequality & Social Cognition
- Gordils, et al. (in press). Racial income inequality promotes perceptions of competition and predicts negative social outcomes, Social Psychological and Personality Science.
- Piff et al. (2018). Unpacking the inequality paradox: The psychological roots of inequality and social class. In Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol. 57, pp. 53-124). Academic Press. - read ONLY pgs. 57-79.
- Wilkinson, R. G., & Pickett, K. E. (2009). Income inequality and social dysfunction. Annual Review of Sociology, 35, 493-511.
- April 5: Mental Health & Social Cognition—An Overview
- Baron-Cohen et al. (1985). Does the autistic child have "theory of mind"? Cognition, 21, 37-46.
- Corrigan (2004). How stigma interferes with mental health care. American Psychologist, 59, 614-625
- Gotlib & Joormann (2010). Cognition and depression: Current status and future directions. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 6, 285-312.
- April 7: Suicide & Self-Injury
- Glenn et al. (2011). Emotional reactivity in nonsuicidal self-injury: Divergence between self-report and startle measures. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 80, 166-170.
- Kessler et al. (2005). Trends in suicide ideation, plans, gestures, and attempts in the United States, 1990-1992 to 2001-2003. JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association, 293, 2487-2495.
- Nock (2009). Why do people hurt themselves? New insights into the nature and functions of self-injury. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18, 78-83.
- April 12: Mental Health: Psychological Treatments
- Amir et al. (2008). The effect of single-session attention modification program on response to a public-speaking challenge in socially anxious individuals. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117, 860- 868.
- Butler et al. (2006). The empirical status of cognitive-behavioral therapy: A review of meta-analyses. Clinical Psychology Review, 26, 17-31.
- Yeager, D. S., Lee, H. Y., & Jamieson, J. P. (2016). How to improve adolescent stress responses: Insights from integrating implicit theories of personality and biopsychosocial models. Psychological science, 27(8), 1078-1091.
- April 14: Social-Cognitive Interventions
- Brannon & Walton (2014). Enacting cultural interests: How intergroup contact reduces prejudice by sparking interest in an out-group's culture. Psychological Science.
- Cohen, et al. (2009). Recursive processes in self-affirmation: Intervening to close the minority achievement gap. Science, 324, 400-403.
- Bryan, Jamieson, Yeager et al. (2021). Changing Mindsets Can Reorient the Adolescent Stress Response System and Promote Resilience During Times of Crisis. Nature.
- April 19: Social Cognition & Physical Health
- Juster et al. (2010). Allostatic load biomarkers of chronic stress and impact on health and cognition. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 35, 2-16.
- Suri, G., et al. (2013). Patient inertia and the status quo bias: when an inferior option is preferred. Psychological science, 24(9), 1763-1769.
- Williams et al. (2003). Racial/ethnic discrimination and health: Findings from community studies. American Journal of Public Health, 93, 200-208.
- April 21: Exam 3
- April 26: Risk Taking
- Payne et al. (2017). Economic inequality increases risk taking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016,16453.
- Porcelli & Delgado (2009). Acute stress modulates risk taking in financial decision making. Psychological Science, 20, 278-283.
- Reyna (2004). How people make decisions that involve risk: A dual-process approach. Current Direction in Psychological Science, 13, 60-66.
- April 28: Risk Taking—Developmental Perspectives
- Gerend & Cullen (2008). Effects of message framing and temporal context on college student drinking behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 1167-1173.
- Jamieson & Mendes (2016). Social stress facilitates risk in youth. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
- Steinberg (2007). Risk-taking in adolescence: New perspectives from brain and behavioral science. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16, 55-59.
- May 3: Cross-Cultural Processes in Social Cognition
- Cai et al. (2010). Tactical self-enhancement in China: Is modesty at the service of self-enhancement in East Asian culture? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2, 59-64.
- Kitayama & Uskul (2011). Culture, mind, and the brain: Current evidence and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 62, 419-449.
- May 5: Self-Projection & Mental Simulation
- McKenzie & Liersch (2011). Misunderstanding savings growth: Implications for retirement savings behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 48, 1-13
- Mitchell et al. (2011). Medial prefrontal cortex predicts intertemporal choice. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 1-10.
Final Exam will occur during the time scheduled by the registrar in the normal room we have class.