BCSC 205: Laboratory in Development & Learning

Cross-listed: PSYC 205
Prerequisites: STAT 212 and one of the BCS core courses (151, 152, 153)
Offered: Spring

This course gives students laboratory experience in conducting experiments on perceptual and cognitive development, language development, and in using computational and neuroscientific methods for studying mechanisms of development, learning, and experiential change. A large part of the course will focus on methods for testing human infants and young children, and will provide observation of these experimental methods in the lab as well as opportunities for individual projects. Portions of the course will also provide students with exposure to neural and computational approaches to the study of mechanisms of development and learning.

Preparation for this course: Students enrolling in this course are expected to have an introductory background in Development, a basic familiarity with neural mechanisms, and a course in statistical methods and design. Students with this background obtained through courses other than those prerequisites listed above may consult the instructor for permission to enroll.